General Knowledge

General Knowledge

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.
  • Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you . The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you 're there.
  • Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush. 
  • The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as substitute for blood plasma. 
  • No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times. 
  • Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes. 
  • You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television. 
  • Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older. 
  • The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum.
  • The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache. 
  • A Boeing 747s wingspan is longer than the Wright brother's first flight. 
  • American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating 1 olive from each salad served in first-class. 
  • Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise. 
  • Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning. 
  • The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets. 
  • Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin. 
  • The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer. 
  • Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined. 
  • Marilyn Monroe had six toes. 
  • All US Presidents have worn glasses. Some just didn't like being seen wearing them in public. 
  • Walt Disney was afraid of mice. 
  • Pearls melt in vinegar. 
  • Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married. 
  • The three most valuable brand names on earth: Marlboro, Coca-Cola, and Budweiser, in that order. 
  • It is possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs. 
  • A duck's quack doesn't echo and no one knows why. 
  • The reason firehouses have circular stairways is from the days when the engines were pulled by horses. The horses were stabled on the ground floor and figured out how to walk up straight staircases. 
  • Richard Millhouse Nixon was the first US president whose name contains all the letters from the word "criminal." The second was William Jefferson Clinton. 
  • Turtles can breathe through their butts. 
  • Butterflies taste with their feet. 
  • In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all of the world's nuclear weapons combined. 
  • On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every year. 
  • On average people fear spiders more than they do death. 
  • Ninety percent of New York City cabbies are recently arrived immigrants. 
  • Elephants are the only animals that can't jump. 
  • Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older. 
  • Women blink nearly twice as much as men. 
  • It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow. 
  • The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building. 
  • A snail can sleep for three years. 
  • No word in the English language rhymes with "MONTH." 
  • Average life span of a major league baseball: 7 pitches. 
  • 42. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. SCARY!!! 
  • The electric chair was invented by a dentist. 
  • All polar bears are left handed. 
  • In ancient Egypt, priests plucked EVERY hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes. 
  • An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. 
  • TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard. 
  • "Go," is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. 
  • If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33. She would stand seven feet, two inches tall. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. 
  • A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. 
  • The cigarette lighter was invented before the match. 
  • Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.
  • Almost everyone who reads this will try to lick their elbow. 
  • Antarctica is the only continent without reptiles or snakes.
  • An eagle can kill a young deer and fly away with it.
  • In the Caribbean there are oysters that can climb trees. 
  • Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. 
  • The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910. 
  • When George Lucas was mixing the American Graffiti soundtrack, he numbered the reels of film starting with an R and numbered the dialog starting with a D. Sound designer Walter Murch asked George for Reel 2, Dialog 2 by saying "R2D2". George liked the way that sounded so much he integrated that into another project he was working on. 
  • The youngest pope was 11 years old. 
  • Mark Twain didn't graduate from elementary school. 
  • Proportional to their weight, men are stronger than horses. 
  • Pilgrims ate popcorn at the first Thanksgiving dinner. 
  • They have square watermelons in Japan - they stack better. 
  • Iceland consumes more Coca-Cola per capita than any other nation. 
  • Heinz Catsup leaving the bottle travels at 25 miles per year. 
  • It is possible to lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs. 
  • Armadillos can be housebroken. 
  • The first Fords had engines made by Dodge. 
  • A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in just one night. 
  • Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite. 
  • Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone. 
  • A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 foot tall child inside. 
  • A quarter has 119 grooves on its edge, a dime has one less groove. 
  • A hummingbird weighs less than a penny. 
  • Until 1796, there was a state in the United States called Franklin. Today it is known as Tennessee. 
  • The flashing warning light on the cylindrical Capitol Records tower spells out HOLLYWOOD in Morse code. 
  • Every time you lick a stamp, you 're consuming 1/10 of a calorie. 
  • The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year. 
  • One in every 4 Americans has appeared on television. 
  • The average American will eat about 11.9 pounds of cereal per year. 
  • Over 1,000 birds a year die from smashing into windows. 
  • The State of Florida is bigger than England. 
  • Ants stretch when they wake up in the morning.
  • It's against the law to have a pet dog in Iceland. 
  • Thomas Edison, light bulb inventor, was afraid of the dark. 
  • During your lifetime, you 'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food. That's the weight of about 6 elephants. 
  • Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food. 
  • Dolphins sleep with one eye open. 
  • The world's oldest piece of chewing gum is 9000 years old. 
  • In space, astronauts cannot cry, because there is no gravity, so the tears can't flow. 
  • About 3000 years ago, most Egyptians died by the time they were 30. 
  • More people use blue toothbrushes than red ones. 
  • A sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 m.p.h. 
  • Your ribs move about 5 million times a year, every time you breathe. 
  • In the White House, there are 13,092 knives, forks and spoons. 
  • Slugs have 4 noses. 
  • Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch TV for 3 hours. 
  • Lightning strikes about 6,000 times per minute on this planet. 
  • Owls are the only birds who can see the color blue. 
  • The average American drinks about 600 sodas a year. 
  • It's against the law to slam your car door in Switzerland. 
  • There wasn't a single pony in the Pony Express, just horses. 
  • Honeybees have hair on their eyes. 
  • A jellyfish is 95 percent water. 
  • In Bangladesh, kids as young as 15 can be jailed for cheating on their finals. 
  • A company in Taiwan makes dinnerware out of wheat, so you can eat your plate. 
  • The elephant is the only mammal that can't jump. 
  • The penguin is the only bird who can swim, but not fly. 
  • The most common name in the world is Mohammed. 
  • Q is the only letter in the alphabet that does not appear in the name of any of the United States. 
  • America once issued a 5-cent bill. 
  • You 'll eat about 35,000 cookies in your lifetime. 
  • Babe Ruth wore a cabbage leaf under his cap to keep him cool. He changed it every 2 innings. 
  • Fortune cookies were actually invented in America, in 1918, by Charles Jung. 
  • A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue. 
  • Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying. 
  • The pitches that Babe Ruth hit for his last-ever homerun and that Joe DiMaggio hit for his first-ever homerun where thrown by the same man. 
  • Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
  • The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its head. 
  • In Tokyo, they sell toupees for dogs. 
  • There are over 52.6 million dogs in the U.S. 
  • Dogs and cats consume almost $7 billion worth of pet food a year. 
  • Baby robins eat 14 feet of earthworms every day
  • The Pentagon has twice as many restrooms as necessary. When it was built, segregation was still in place in Virginia, so separate restrooms for blacks and whites were required by law. 
  • In England, in the 1880's, "Pants" was considered a dirty word. 
  • Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin. 
  • In 2003, there were 86 days of below-freezing weather in Hell, Michigan.
  • Bahrain is one of the rarest countries whose National Anthem has only music but no words
  • Fox theatre,Detroit, (USA) is the largest cinema in the world. 
  • Saudi Arabia does not have any Cinema theatres
  • Sears Tower,Chicago is the world's tallest office building
  • Persepolis was the capital of ancient Persian Empire
  • Paraguay got its independence from Spain in 1811.
  • Arthur Wynney invented the cross word puzzle
  • WHO is also known as World Health Organisation
  • Geneva is the headquarter of WHO
  • FAO refers to Food and Agriculture Organisation
  • FAO is located at Rome and London
  • Montreal in Canada houses International Civil Aviation Organisation
  • The Angel Falls is located in Venezuela (Latin America)
  • Thirteen is often regarded as unlucky number but in Italy it is considered as the lucky number
  • Alurophobia refers to fear of cats and one of the most famous historical personalities suffering from 
  • this phobia was Napoleon
  • Italians(14 Oct.1911) were the first country to use aeroplanes in war. Since then, it has acquired the status of most useful and deadly weapon.
  • Abraham Lincoln is credited to abolish the curse of slavery in America
  • Manchester is also known as textile capital of the world.
  • USA has more than 10,000 golf courses.
  • Louvre museum,Paris is the proud museum where historical painting `Mona Lisa' is displayed
  • Tomato was also known as Love apple
  • King Khalid Int.Airport, Saudi Arabia is the largest airport in the world.
  • Field Marshal Erwin Rommel was bestowed with the title of Desert Fox.
  • Bascilica of St.Peter,Vatican City,Rome is the largest church in the world. 


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